IT Security Checklist

How to Improve Your Business’s Cyber-Safety in 2022

it consultants working together on a project

“Cybercrime” is a general term that refers to any criminal activity in which computers are the object or the target of the crime, or in some cases where computer skills are misused to commit cybercrimes. Cybercrime activities include cyberattacks, cybertheft, cyber fraud and cyberterrorism. Cyber attacks (or cybercrime as a whole) is the biggest threat […]

2021’s Biggest Ransomware Attacks

IT expert in Greenville sc

The data breaches of 2021 will be among the most devastating to date. 43% of data breaches in 2021 involved small businesses, and the average cost of these small-business IT blunders cost the small businesses $3-5M.  Here’s a look at some of 2021’s most notable data breaches and how to avoid some of the preventable […]

Hurricane Response Center