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Dave Stasaitis and Rick Krenmayer of Stasmayer, Inc., discuss real life hacking stories and the tools and processes you can use to prevent it from happening to you and your firm.

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We delve into the latest tech tips to optimize your workflow, offer practical advice on cybersecurity and staying secure in an increasingly digital world, and explore the critical intersection of Ethics and AI.

For legal professionals, we provide strategic guidance on growing your law firm, from expanding your client base to optimizing operations, as well as essential tips for those looking to start their own firm.

Our presentations are designed to be engaging, informative, and directly applicable to your success.

Dave & Rick with Stasmayer

about Your speakers

Richard Krenmayer, Co-Founder & CEO

Richard Krenmayer is the Co-Founder and CEO of Stasmayer, Incorporated, a Managed IT and IT Security company. He attended the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth with his business partner, David Stasaitis, where they both received a B.S. in Business Information Systems and started Stasmayer.

As cybersecurity continues to evolve and come to the forefront of everyone’s mind in business, Rick has given multiple speeches and CLEs to provide a call to action on the subject. He is also a co-author for the latest edition of the South Carolina BAR’s Paralegal Survival Guide having written the section on cybersecurity.

In his other life, Rick is a professional songwriter and performer since age 6, enjoys traveling to new places around the world, being a weather hobbyist, reading lots of books, speaking other languages and always learning more, all while raising his two sons, who’s interest in machines dwarfs his own interest in business and technology.

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David Stasaitis, Co-Founder & President

As Stasmayer’s President, David Stasaitis is responsible for business growth and leading the company’s technology strategy. He co-founded Stasmayer, Inc., with Richard Krenmayer in 2003 while pursuing his undergraduate degree at the University of Massachusetts. After 22 years in business Stasmayer is recognized as one of the top Managed Services Provider in South Carolina and has been listed on the Inc. 5000 multiple times. 

Stasaitis oversees product development, research and implementation of IT technologies proven to increase client’s profitability and client retention. His core expertise is information technology for Law Firms. He is a former Amicus Attorney certified consultant and one of the top Gold Clio Certified Consultants in the world. 

As an IT expert for the legal industry, Stasaitis oversees development of IT infrastructures and solutions for law firms including law practice management, Cloud solutions, IT support, IT Security, and Managed Services. 

David also appeared in over 50 continuing legal education technology videos (CLEs) and presentations with the South Carolina Bar Association and other Bar Associations including “Cloud Computing Solutions For Lawyers”, “30 Tech Tips in 30 Minutes”, and “Getting Answers for Making Tech Choices in the Set Up of a New Law Firm”.  He is a guest speaker at the Charleston School of Law in the Law Practice Management Courses. He has also presented for the South Carolina Bar, Dorchester Bar, Charleston Bar, the South Carolina Federal Bar Association, and the National Association of Bankruptcy Trustees. 

  1. Co-Speaker, “Shhh…I was hacked and can’t tell anyone.” Ways to Protect Your Firm, SCBAR CLE Onsite and Webcast (June 2024)
  2. Speaker, 60 Tech Tips in 60 Minutes – Hoping to Make Your Life Easier, Florence County Bar CLE (February 2024)
  3. Co-Speaker, How to Refine Your Law Firm Business Model, Clio Virtual CLE – 221 Attendees (January 2023)
  4. Speaker, 60 Tech Tips in 60 Minutes – Hoping to Make Your Life Easier, 3rd Annual Best Practices for South Carolina Paralegals: The Technology Edition (May 2022)
  5. Co-Speaker, “Don’t Click That” – Spotting a Phishing Attack and More, SCBAR CLE Webcast (April 2022)
  6. Speaker, 30 Tech Tips in 30 Minutes – Hoping to Make Your Life Easier, Turner Padget Firm Retreat (April 2022)
  7. Speaker, 30 Tech Tips in 30 Minutes – Hoping to Make Your Life Easier, SCACDL (March 2022)
  8. Guest Speaker, Law Practice Management Course, Charleston School of Law – (November 2021)
  9. Speaker, 30 Tech Tips in 30 Minutes – Hoping to Make Your Life Easier, SC ALA CLE (October 2021)
  10. Speaker, Pros and Cons of Implementing Practice Management Software at Mid-Sized Firms Panel, Clio Webcast (August 2021)
  11. Speaker, Clio’s First European Partner Summit, Clio Webcast (June 2021)
  12. Interviewee, USC Master’s Program in Privacy / Cybersecurity Law, USC (May 2021)
  13. Speaker, 30 Tech Tips in 30 Minutes – Efficient, Productive, and Profitable, SCBAR CLE Webcast (April 2021)
  14. Speaker, 30 Tech Tips in 30 Minutes, Palmetto Paralegal Association (August 2020)
  15. Co-Speaker, Working From Home: Security you Need to Know, Mecklenburg County Bar CLE (May 2020)
  16. Co-Speaker, Before and Now Working, Clio CLE Webinar (May 2020)
  17. Interviewee, ACC Data Steward Program – Cybersecurity, Association of Corporate Counsel (April 2020)
  18. Co-Speaker, How Legal Aid Organizations can Work Remotely?, Clio CLE Webinar (April 2020)
  19. Speaker, 30 Tech Tips in 30 Minutes Working From Home, SCBAR CLE Webcast (April 2020)
  20. Co-Speaker, Working From Home: Security you Need to Know, SCBAR CLE Webcast (April 2020)
  21. Speaker, 2020:Technology Update and Hot Topics for the Law Firm, Charleston County Bar CLE(February 2020)
  22. Speaker, 60 Tech Tips in 60 Minutes To Make Life Easier, SCWLA CLE – Midlands (October 2019)
  23. Speaker, 60 Tech Tips in 60 Minutes To Make Life Easier, SCWLA CLE – Charleston (September 2019)
  24. Published Co-Author, Overview of Client Relationship Management Tools, SC Bar BarBytes Column (Date in Office)
  25. Speaker, Blockchain/Cryptocurrency: What Lawyers Need to Know?, USC School of Law CLE Series (April 2019)
  26. Speaker, Technology Update and Hot Topics for the Law Firm, Mecklenburg County Bar CLE (February 2019)
  27. Speaker, The Next Generation Law Firm, Charleston School of Law – Professional Series (April 2018)
  28. Speaker, The Next Generation Law Firm, USC School of Law – Law Practice Management Course (March 2018)
  29. Speaker, The Next Generation Law Firm, Mecklenburg County Bar (March 2018)
  30. Panelist, Local Area Chambers, Charleston Chamber (January 2018)
  31. Speaker, Thinking Outside the Box, South Carolina Bar Live Cast Video CLE (November 2017)
  32. Speaker, 45 Tech Tips in 45 Minutes To Make Life Easier, Charleston County Bar (August 2017)
  33. Co-Speaker, Practice Management in the Cloud, South Carolina BAR Video CLE (March 2017)
  34. Speaker, Fifteenth Circuit Tips from the Bench: 45 Tech Tips in 45 Minutes, SCBAR Myrtle Beach CLE (November 2016)
  35. Speaker, Tech Tools to Make Life/Business Easy: 45 Tech Tips in 45 Minutes, South Carolina BAR Video CLE (November 2016).
  36. Speaker, Tech Tools to Make Life/Business Easy: 45 Tech Tips in 45 Minutes, Lowcountry Manufacturing & Quality Expo – Lowcountry Graduate Center (October 2016)
  37. Panel Speaker, What Tech Professional Wish Lawyers knew?, SC Bar LPM-TECH Conference (September 2016)
  38. Speaker, Tech Tools to Make Life/Business Easy: 30 Tech Tips in 30 Minutes, North Carolina Family Law Specialists Conference (July 2016)
  39. Speaker, Starting your Law Practice: The Technology Lessons, Charleston School of Law Lawyering Series (April 2016)
  40. Speaker, Sixteenth Circuit Tips from the Bench: 45 Tech Tips in 45 Minutes, SCBAR Rock Hill CLE (January 2016)
  41. Speaker, Fourteenth Circuit Tips from the Bench: 45 Tech Tips in 45 Minutes, SCBAR Beaufort CLE (October 2015)
  42. Speaker, Third Circuit Tips from the Bench: 60 Tech Tips in 60 Minutes, SCBAR Sumter CLE (October 2015)
  43. Speaker, Law Firm Technology: Life and Game Changers, Beaufort CLE (August 2015)
  44. Speaker, Starting a Small Firm Practice –  Technology, Part 2, 6 Years Later, South Carolina BAR Video CLE (April 2015).
  45. Speaker, Legal Technology and How Clio Has Helped Firms, National Association of Bankruptcy Trustees, Charleston, SC (February 2015)
  46. Speaker, The Cloud, Your Apps, and IT Security: Let’s Help Your Business, Beaufort Rotary (January 2015)
  47. Speaker, The Future of Legal Technology and How Clio Has Helped Firms, SCBAR Charleston Group, (December 2014)
  48. Co-Speaker, Beyond the Basics: Tips for the Cloud-Savvy, SCBAR Solo and Small Frim Conference CLE (September 2014)
  49. Co-Speaker, The Cloud: File Syncing and Productivity, SC Federal Bar Association CLE (September 2014)
  50. Speaker, Practice Management in the Cloud: Now Where?, Charleston BAR CLE (October 2013)
  51. Co-Speaker, Practice Management Technology and Ethics of Cloud Computing, Charleston School of Law Solo and Small Firm Conference (August 2013)
  52. Co-Speaker, Tech Savvy Law Practice and Ethics of Cloud Computing, Dorchester BAR CLE (February 2013)
  53. Co-Speaker, Head in the Clouds, Feet on the Ground: Modern Practice & Case Management From Back Office to Courtroom, Charleston BAR CLE (February 2012) 
  54. Co-Speaker, Getting Answers for Making Tech Choices in the Set Up of a New Law Firm, South Carolina BAR Video CLE (June 2011).
  55. Speaker, Cloud Computing Solutions for Lawyers, South Carolina BAR Video CLE (July 2010).
  56. Speaker, Starting a Solo Practice: Technology, South Carolina BAR Video CLE (October 2009).
  57. Guest Speaker, Law Practice Management Course – Various Law Firm Technology Topics, Charleston School of Law – (October 2013 – Present)

He first became interested in computers through the gaming industry in 1996.  In the past, Stasaitis worked as a Network and System Administrator and System Analyst as well as web and applications developer. 

Stasaitis holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Information Systems from the University of Massachusetts in Dartmouth. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his wife, son, and daughter. He also enjoys camping in his RV and traveling.

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