Author Archives: Al Bellino

5 Critical Elements of Creating a Culture of Cybersecurity within Your Organization

cybersecurity team

Too often we are seeing businesses invest in cybersecurity solutions long after an attack or data breach. The hard truth is that this is just way too late. With the average cost of a data breach hovering somewhere around $4.35 million, do you think your business can afford to be reactive with your security for […]

Surviving a Merger & Acquisition with These Technology Considerations

handshake agreement

Mergers and Acquisitions take place every year, but fewer Merger & Acquisition transactions are actually creating value. According to a BCG survey, only 47% of M&A deals produce positive results within the first year. Integrating company cultures and different systems can be complex, lucky for you Stasmayer can help with these technology considerations.  Merger & […]

Hurricane Response Center